Your bicycle has a sudden tyre puncture Write an imaginary dialogue between the shopkeeper and you

Suppose your bicycle has a sudden tyre puncture on your way to school. You have taken the cycle to a repair shop. Write an imaginary dialogue (within 100 words) between the shopkeeper and you. This writing has been taken from WBBSE class 10 English Lesson 5 writing activities. We have composed this writing in easy language so that the students can remember easily. But quality of this writing is high and you can easily achieve full marks by writing this note. You can note down it in your notebook.

Your bicycle has a sudden tyre puncture

Suppose your bicycle has a sudden tyre puncture on your way to school. You have taken the cycle to a repair shop. Write an imaginary dialogue (within 100 words) between the shopkeeper and you.

Answer :-

Raj : Hello Uncle, are you the mechanic of this repair shop?
The Mechanic : Yes, tell me what’s your problem?
Raj : Uncle, my bicycle has a sudden tyre puncture. Can you fix it?
The Mechanic : Of course, why not? But let me finish my tiffin. It will take 10 minutes.
Raj : But I have to reach school on time. Today is the exam day of our school. So, please hurry up.
The Mechanic : Alright, I shall repair your bicycle now. But How did it happen?
Raj : I was in a hurry. I didn’t notice the nails lying on the road and rode over those. Hence my tyre got punctured.
The Mechanic : (after a while) Here is your bicycle. I have fixed it. No trouble comes on it now.
Raj : Thank you uncle. How much should I pay?
The Mechanic : Only 10 rupees.
Raj : Here is your money. Now finish your tiffin.
The Mechanic : Okay, next time onwards, be careful while cycling on the road.
Raj : Yes, of course. Bye

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