Write a Letter to The Postmaster About The Loss of An Important Letter

Write a Letter within 100 Words to The Postmaster of Your Locality Informing Him About The Loss of An Important Letter Addressed to You, And Requesting Him to Help You Get It.

write a letter to the postmaster about the loss of an important letter

Write a Letter to The Postmaster About The Loss of An Important Letter

The Postmaster
Arambagh Post Office
Arambagh, Hooghly

Sub ;- The loss of an important letter

Dear Sir,
With due respect I, Srikanta Nandi, a residence of your post office area, am applying in certain condition that an important letter may be lost from your post office. It was the letter of my appointment to a new job. So, you know the importance of the very letter. After my selection the appointing authority has sent this letter by post. But 15 days have gone away hence the letter has not reach to me yet. I have got the message of receiving the article to your post office 10 days before. If the letter has not reach to me under 3 days, I will not able to join in my post.

Therefore I appeal to you to look into the matter personally and take some immediate steps to send me the letter. Expecting effective measure from you.

Yours Ever
Srikanta Nandi

Date :-
Place :-

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Friends, this is one type of application letter. This letter writing is from WBBSE Class 9 English Book’s Lesson 5 Exercise 5. ‘Write a letter to the postmaster about the loss of an important letter’ – I have produced this writing for your exam but you may apply it with due condition.


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