WBCHSE Syllabus 2022, Higher Secondary Syllabus PDF, Official Notice

West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education has notified to discard the wbchse syllabus 2022 for all subjects other than science groups. [No; L/PR/100/2021 Dt-07/10/2021]

The council has already reduced the wbchse syllabus 2022 and published question pattern for class xi annual examination, 2022 and HS examination, 2022.[L/Secy/25/2021 Dt-06/08/2021] The school has been closed for long days. Council has also thought about the benefit of the students. The council has further published a notification showing discarded portion of the syllabus for all subjects other than science. It is said that there will be no reduction in the syllabus of MUSIC, HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION, VISUAL ART, AND VOCATIONAL subjects.

Board Announcement about wbchse syllabus 2022:

Official Notice

Earlier uploaded syllabus and question pattern has been removed from website. Some minor changes of question pattern may be published in the first week of November.2021.


Subject wise discarded topics for HS examination, 2022:

Subjects Discarded portions for wbchse syllabus 2022
English B * Prose: Thank You ma’am
* Poetry: On Killing a Tree
Bengali A * সাহিত্য চর্চা থেকে ” কে বাঁচায় কে বাঁচে”।
* ভাষা সাহিত্য থেকে “শব্দার্থ তত্ব”।
* পূর্ণাঙ্গ গ্রন্থ ” আমার বাংলা” থেকে “কলের কলকাতা” অংশ।
* সাহিত্য চর্চা কবিতা থেকে ‘শিকার’ কবিতা এবং
* বাঙ্গালির শিল্প ও সংস্কৃ্ত থেকে ‘বাংলা গানের ধারা’ অধ্যায়।
Sanskrit গদ্যাংশঃ আর্যাবর্তবর্ণনম
MCQ 1*2
SA 1*2
সংস্কৃত ভাষায় অনুছেদ রচনা ৫*১
গদ্যাংশের নম্বর গদ্যাংশে ভাগ হয়ে যাবে।
অনুচ্ছেদের ৫ নম্বর থেকে
কারক বিভক্তিতে ৩(১*৩)র এর পরিবর্তে (২*৩)
শব্দ যুগলের পার্থক্যতে ২(১*২) র পরিবর্তে (২*২)
Political Science * International Relation in the post-second world war period
* Foreign Policy
Economics * Factor market
* Equilibrium under Monopoly
* Cost determined Pricing
* Determination of income and Employment
* International Trade and Balance of paymenti
* Measures of Dispersion – Range-Standard Deviation- Lorenz- Gini coefficient
* Fiscal Policy

More Subjects of wbchse syllabus 2022

Education * Group B; Educational Provisions in India Constitution related to women’s education
equalization of opportunity, education for the minority, SC, ST
* Group C: education for the differently abled children
Psychology * Environment and behavior
* Identity Development
Philosophy Discarded Chapter:
i) Deductive Logic: Chapter 6- marks-04; Chapter 7- marks-04; Chapter 8- marks- 05
ii) Inductive Logic : Chapter 2 – marks 06; Chapter 4 – marks 08
Geography * Physical geography:
Cycle of Erosion
Drainage Pattern
Man Environment interaction
Marine processes and Associated Landforms
* Economic Geography:
Tertiary, Quaternary, Quinary Activities
Regional economic development
History * Situating Colonialism and imperialism in the 19th & 20th centuries
* Decolonisation
* The Era of cold war
Statistics * Statistical Quality Control
* Testing of Hypothesis
* Sampling Theory

For the Particular Syllabus & Their Suggestion You may Click Here

For discarded portions of any subject in wbchse syllabus 2022 not mentioned in this document please visit official website wbchse.nic.in

2 thoughts on “WBCHSE Syllabus 2022, Higher Secondary Syllabus PDF, Official Notice”

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