The Story Writing of The Fox and The Crow With Moral Within 100 Words

Write a Story ( Within 100 Words ) Using the Given Hints. Give a Title to the Story. The Story Writing of The Cunning Fox and The Wise Crow With Moral In English. We know the of fox and the crow. There we saw the crow being foolish. But in this article we will see a different story of the crow and fox where the fox will become foolish. Let’s follow –

story writing of the fox and the crow with moral

Story Writing of The Fox and The Crow With Moral Using the Given Hints

Crow sitting on a tree — piece of meat in its beak — fox passing under the tree — wants the meat — asks the crow to sing — crow keeps meat under its feet and sings — fooled, fox leaves

The Cunning Fox and The Wise Crow

Once there was a crow, lived in outside of the village. He was wiser than the other crow. One day, he stole a piece of meat from a nearby house and flying away to a tree. Sitting on the tree he started eating with its beak. At this time a cunning fox was going under the tree. He watched the crow with piece of meat in its beak. His eyes glittered with lust. For getting the meat he made up a plan. He started praising to the crow by saying that his voice is so sweet and he like to hear the song of crow. He requested the crow to sing a song. But the crow was not less wiser than the fox. He got the motive of praising him. So the crow kept the meat under its feet and started singing. The fox became fool. Being humiliated he left the place.

Moral :- Unsolicited Praise may become harmful to you.

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So friend, this is the story writing of the fox and the crow with moral. This is the story given on the English Textbook Bliss Class 10 WBBSE Lesson 5 Writing Activities. We have tried to produced it with high standard quality.

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