Sure Common 500+ Ancient History MCQ for UPSC WBCS SSC CGL etc

We are all hungry to ensure success in competitive exam. It reflects a bright future. But to gain success it is more important to prepare himself. So we decide to provide GK materials (job related). Here we explain about Ancient History MCQ for UPSC and other High standard jobs. We choose this topic (mcq on ancient indian history) because in exam it comes often. We give more than 500 Ancient history mcq upsc. And we also discuss ancient history objective question with theoretical analysis. If we only pay attention to mcq of ancient history, it is not enough. Overall knowledge is essential with mcq ancient history. So, we have to read the whole theory with ancient history mcq questions. In this article you only get a few ancient history mcq in english. But we are going to post more articles about ancient history mcq unacademy. So we request to touch allow baton and get notification whenever we post.

ancient history mcq for upsc

From Ancient History we have known when and how the domestic culture of India has started to improve, how men started farming, and how they defended the natural unfriendliness and ferocious animals. We also take knowledge how they used natural elements to improve civilization.

Stone Age (Ancient History)

The period when human beings used stone or stone made utensils only is known as Stone Age. Ancient History MCQ for UPSC based on Stone Age is available below. Stone Age is divided into three divisions —

  • Paleolithic Age
  • Mesolithic Age
  • Neolithic Age

Paleolithic Age (upto – 8000 BC)

Paleolithic Age has also named as Old Stone Age. It is oldest time period from where our ancient history mcq for upsc has started. From then men began to collect food and started hunting.Then they had no permanent residence. They moved here and there to collect food. The tools which were used in this period include cylinder – hummer, scrappers, hand axes, blunted – back arrowheads etc.

Mesolithic Age (8000 – 4000 BC)

Mesolithic Age has also called Late Stone Age. This age was characterized by Microliths Culture. In this stage men has developed their brain. They started domestication of animals instead of hunting and began plant cultivation instead of collecting food. By domesticating animal they got both milk and meat. Staying in one place is also characterized this age. To answer ancient history mcq for upsc read it carefully.

Neolithic Age ( 4000 – 2500 BC)

Neolithic Age has another name i.e New Stone Age. This age was characterized by food producing (millet / ragi) economy. Neolithic men knew how to make fire and usage of only one metal i.e gold. They used polished axes, chisel. One of the most important inventions of this age is ‘Potters Wheel’. Ancient history mcq for upsc may be taken from this passage.

Chalcolithic Phase (2500 – 1500 BC)

At the end of the Neolithic Age Chalcolithic Age or the stone – Copper age appeared . This age is characterized by the use of stone and copper tools, cultivation of kharif and rabi crops, black and red pottery. Village economy existed. Religious belief began to take shape. Ancient history mcq for upsc

Ancient History MCQ for UPSC WBCS SSC CGL etc

Here you are getting ancient history mcq for upsc and other competitive exam with answers. Read the above text carefully and try to answer ancient these history objective question. You should not watch the answer first. Firstly try yourself and then correspond to the given answer.

  1. Which one of the following is an important site of Mesolithic Age?
    a) Bishnupur (WB)
    b) Malda (WB)
    c) Diamond Harbour (WB)
    d) Birhanpur (WB)
  2. Bhimbetka Cave painting (Madhya Pradesh) are of —
    a) Paleolithic Age
    b) Mesolithic Age
    c) Neolithic Age
    d) Early Vedic Age
  3. In Paleolithic Age the human beings —
    a) Cultivated Land
    b) Gathered Food
    c) Grew Fruits
    d) None of these
  4. New Stone Age people new —
    a) Use of Gold
    b) Use of Silver
    c) Use of Bronze
    d) Use of Iron
  5. Pandu Rajar Dhibi (West Bengal) is famous site of —
    a) Indus Valley Civilization
    b) Neolithic Age
    c) Chalcolithic Age
    d) None of this

500+ Indian Geography MCQ for Latest Competitive Exams

More MCQ of Ancient History

Here you also get more ancient history mcq for upsc and others. Read it attentively —

  1. Battle of the Ten kings took place in —
    a) Vedic Age
    b) Harappan Age
    c) New Stone Age
    d) Old Stone Age
  2. In Rig Vedic Age ‘Soma’ was —
    a) Goddess of Plants
    b) Goddess of Drinks
    c) God of Plants
    d) None of these
  3. Gotra first appeared in —
    a) Sam Ved
    b) Vedanta
    c) Manu Smriti
    d) Atharva Veda
  4. The mixed class ‘Nisada’ was formed due to the mixture of —
    a) Brahmin & Sudra
    b) Brahmin & Vaishya
    c) Vaishya & Sudra
    d) Vaishya & Kshatriya
  5. ‘Gavshti’ in Vedic are meant —
    a) Battle for Cow
    b) Tribal Assembly
    c) Search for Cows
    d) Sacrifice of cows

Indus Valley Civilization MCQ pdf Download with Answers Must Common in Exam

Ancient history mcq upsc & Others

We are showing ancient history mcq for upsc & others part by part. You have to wait more to get more part.

  1. Stone age is divided into —
    a) 2 parts
    b) 3 parts
    c) 4 parts
    d) 5 parts
  2. The Mesolithic Age had been running —
    a) 8000 BC to 4000 BC
    b) 4000 BC to 2500 BC
    c) 2500 BC to 1500 BC
    d) 1500 BC to 500 BC
  3. Blunted – back arrowheads were used in what age?
    a) Paleolithic Age
    b) Mesolithic Age
    c) Neolithic Age
    d) Early Vedic Age
  4. In what age domestication of animal firstly started?
    a) Paleolithic Age
    b) Mesolithic Age
    c) Neolithic Age
    d) Early Vedic Age
  5. In what age farming land firstly was started ?
    a) Paleolithic Age
    b) Mesolithic Age
    c) Neolithic Age
    d) Early Vedic Age
  6. Who firstly got the idea of cultivation?
    a) Men
    b) Women
    c) Both
    d) Automatically
  7. Which age was characterized by food producing (Millet/ragi) ?
    a) Paleolithic Age
    b) Mesolithic Age
    c) Neolithic Age
    d) Early Vedic Age
  8. In which age men have learnt how to make fire?
    a) Paleolithic Age
    b) Mesolithic Age
    c) Neolithic Age
    d) Early Vedic Age
  9. One of the most important invention of Neolithic age —
    a) Cultivation
    b) Cooking
    c) Potter-while
    d) Domestication
  10. Religious belief began to take shape —
    a) Paleolithic Age
    b) Mesolithic Age
    c) Neolithic Age
    d) Chalcolithic Phase

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In this article we published only few ancient history mcq for upsc and others competitive exam. Our work has been running. More ancient history mcq upsc is coming soon. You are suggested to stay with us. We will provide more valuable articles job related. Please give a feedback by comment. Thank you.
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