Justify the Title of the Story ‘Leela’s Friend’, Good Quality Note of Class XI

Justify the Title of the Story ‘Leela’s Friend’. This is an important question for class 11 final exam. The story is written by R. K. Narayan. We provide the answer of the question below. The quality of the answer is much standard but it will be memorized easily. We do not spread it larger than 3/4 of a page. So you will be much comfortable to this answer.

Justify the Title of the Story 'Leela's Friend

Justify the Title of the Story ‘Leela’s Friend’

Face is the index of mind and the title of any piece of writing indicates the central idea of that piece. Leela and Sidda are the two main characters of R.K Narayan’s short story ‘Leela’s Friend ‘. The story is best against the malpractice of elite society towards then downtrodden people. Sidda was appointed as an errand servant. In other side he has to look after Leela , a five years old daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Sivasankar. Day by day she clung closer to him. She insisted upon having his company all her waking hours. Initially a good friendship grows between Leela and Sidda. The situation became very deplorable when Sidda was arrested for theft. Leela becomes friendless after winding out Sidda. She was devastated when she lost her all time companion. She tried to defend against the accusation made against Sidda. But she could not. Here the story reflects the true friendship between Leela and Sidda. At the end of the story it becomes evident. So the title of the story is apt and appropriate.

Other Suggestive Questions from ‘Leela’s Friend’

“In any case , we could not have kept a criminal like him in the house .” – Who is the speaker ? Who is the criminal referred to here ? What led the speaker to such a comment ? What message is conveyed by Mr. sivasankar’s final word in the story ? ( 1+1+3+3 )
“Sidda come and play ?” – who is the speaker ?  What would Sidda do when he heard the call ? What kind of games did the speaker play ?
How did Leela try to make Sidda write ? What was the result ?
What is the moral of the story ?
All Short Questions and Answers with MCQ

So Friends  hope it will satisfy you and you will keep in mind easily. You may get more questions with Justify the Title of the Story ‘Leela’s Friend’. Read it attentively. Thank you. Visit again.

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