Indus Valley Civilization MCQ pdf Download with Answers Must Common in Exam

In this article we have provided highly valuable Indus Valley Civilization MCQ pdf for Com. Exam. With MCQ on Indus Valley Civilization here you have also found theoretical description. In other hand it is also called Harappan Civilization mcq questions. Here we have showed very much important mcq on Harappan Civilization which often comes in various competitive exam all over India. After each description you can see Indus Valley civilization upsc mcq. We have also given answers of Indus Valley Civilization mcq for upsc. MCQ questions on Harappan Civilization helps you to increase your knowledge. MCQ of Indus Valley Civilization will push you to the success of your life. Let’s watch Indus Valley Civilization mcq for competitive exams.

indus valley civilization mcq pdf

There is a disagreement about the time period of Indus Valley Civilization. The duration of Indus Valley Civilization may be between 3250 B.C to 2750 B.C or it may be between 2500 B.C to 1500 B.C. The later period of time is more accepted by the Historians.

Its wreckage has been found in the Montogomery district in Punjab, on the banks of river Ravi. It was surronded by a citedel. A large granery of twelve rooms have been found there. Trace of Coffin burial also been found. A stone sculpture of dancer have also been found.

It was locoted accross a large space of around 1.3 million sq.kms from Manda ( Jammu ) in the north to Diamabad (Maharashtra) in the south and from Alamgirpur (Uttar Pradesh) in the east to Sutkagendor (Baluchistan / Pakistan) in the West.

Indus Valley Civilization MCQ pdf (Part 1)

From the above paragraphs some Indus Valley Civilization MCQ pdf is set up here. You must read the above portion carefully and then try to answers below mcq on Indus Valley Civilization.

1. The duration of Indus Valley Civilization —
a) 3250 B.C to 2750 B.C
b) 2750 B.C to 2500 B.C
c) 2500 B.C to 1500 B.C.
d) 2000 B.C to 1000 B.C.

2. The present location of ancient Harappan Civilization is in –
a) Chatrishgarh
b) Jharkhand
c) Bihar
d) Punjab

3. Harappan Civilization was surrounded by –
a) Citadel
b) Sphings
c) Piramid
d) Temple

4. In which district in Punjab a large granary of 12 rooms have been found?
a) Amritsar
b) Faridkot
c) Firozpur
d) Montogomery

5. Indus Valley Civilization covered the area of around —
a) 1.3 Million
b) 2.5 Million
c) 0.5 Million
d) 4.5 Million

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Discovery & Discoverer

Civilization Discoverer Year of Discovery
i) Harappa Dayaram Sahani 1921
ii) Mohenjodaro R. D. Banerjee 1922
iii) Lothal S. R. Rao 1957
iv) Surkatoda J. P Joshi 1964
v) Kot Diji Prof. Ghurey 1935
vi) Chanhudaro N. G Majumder 1931

MCQ on Indus Valley Civilization (Part 2)

Please watch the above table. There we have showed many importance years of excavation. You should follow the above table at the time of answering below Indus Valley Civilization MCQ pdf.

1. Who is the Discoverer of Ancient Harappa?
a) Dayaram Sahani
b) R. D. Banerjee
c) S. R. Rao
d) J. P Joshi

2. In which year Harappan Civilization was discovered?
a) 1921
b) 1922
c) 1957
d) 1964

3. Who is the Discoverer of Ancient Mohenjodaro?
a) Dayaram Sahani
b) R. D. Banerjee
c) S. R. Rao
d) J. P Joshi

4. In which year Mohenjodaro Civilization was discovered?
a) 1921
b) 1922
c) 1957
d) 1964

5. Who is the Discoverer of Ancient Lothal?
a) Dayaram Sahani
b) R. D. Banerjee
c) S. R. Rao
d) J. P Joshi

6. In which year Lothal was discovered?
a) 1921
b) 1922
c) 1957
d) 1964

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Elements of Harappan Civilization

          Language of the Harappan Script is yet to be decoded. The Script looks like ‘Pictographic’ in nature which is combined with letters and signs or pictures. The script may be the type of ‘Boustrophedon’ which was written first from right to left and then continued from left to right.


Harappan pottery was mostly made with plain wheel. Some of that pottery was painted with black and red slip. Their pottery included pedestals, cylindrical vessels, glazed, perforated and incised. One of these was named as Jorwe Ware.

Harappan Civilization MCQ Questions (Part 3)

In the above text we have noted down about the Script and pottery of Harappan Civilization and set down some important Indus Valley Civilization MCQ pdf below.

1. How was the Script of harappa in Nature?
a) Easy to learn
b) Only letters
c) Alphabetical
d) Pictographic

2. Pictographic means —
a) Only Letters
b) Only Signs
c) Full of Pictures
d) Only Alphabetic

3. The script was written —
a) From Left to Right
b) From Left to Right
c) First from right to left and then continued to left to right
d) First from left to right and then continued to right to left

4. Harappan Pottery was made by —
a) Hand Made
b) Plain wheel made
c) Automated Machine
d) Rock Instruments

5. Color of Harappan Pottery was —
a) Red
b) Black
c) Yellow
d) White

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Main Features of Indus Valley Civilization

  • This was the Bronze Civilization
  • Houses were made of burnt clay bricks. Stone made building had never been found.
  • Unban civilization were panning.
  • Efficient drainage system had been found.
  • Two roads were crossing each other perpendicularly etc.
Town by the River
Town River
Harappa Ravi
Mohenjodaro Indus
Banwali Ghagghar
Kalibangan Ghagghar
Lothal Bhogavo
Chanhudaro Indus
Kot Diji Indus

Others Features of Harappan Civilization

  • They used garments of cotton and wool.
  • Copper, Bronze, Silver, Gold were used but not iron.
  • Seals were made of Steatite.
  • Merchants were the ruling class.
  • Bull, baffalo, sheep, elephant, cow were known them. From Surkatoda the remains of horses have been found but they were unable to domesticate horse.

Indus Valley Civilization upsc MCQ (Part 4)

Some valuable features are headed. Read the all features one by one and keep in mind. Then try to answer the below Indus Valley Civilization MCQ pdf.

1.Harappan Civilization was called —
a) Copper Age
b) Bronze Age
c) Iron Age
d) Tin Age

2.Houses of Harappan civilization were built by —
a) Stone
b) Clay
c) Burnt Bricks
d) Cement

3. Harappa was situated on the bank of river —
a) Ravi
b) Indus
c) Ghagghar
d) Bhogavo

4. Mohenjodaro was situated on the bank of river —
a) Ravi
b) Indus
c) Ghagghar
d) Bhogavo

5. Kalibangan was situated on the bank of river —
a) Ravi
b) Indus
c) Ghagghar
d) Bhogavo

6. Lothal was situated on the bank of river —
a) Ravi
b) Indus
c) Ghagghar
d) Bhogavo

7. Harappan used garments of —
a) Only Cotton
b) Only Wool
c) Cotton and Wool
d) None of these

8. Which metal was never used in Harappa?
a) Iron
b) Copper
c) Bronze
d) Silver

9. Who ruled over the Harapan Civilization?
a) Brahmin
b) Pharao
c) Emperor
d) Merchants

10. Seals were made of —
a) Rope
b) Copper
c) Liquid Zink
d) Steatite

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MCQ on Harappan Civilization (Part 5)

Some Indus Valley Civilization MCQ pdf on the Religion, Trade and commerce of Harappan Civilization. This MCQ are very much effective on all competitive exam.

  1. The chief male deity was —
    a) Shree Krishna
    b) Goutam Buddha
    c) Pasupati
    d) Shree Bishnu
  2. The chief female deity was —
    a) Devi Chandi
    b) Sree Durga
    c) Devi Laxmi
    d) The Mother Goddess
  3. Pasupati was surrounded by —
    a) His followers
    b) Animals
    c) Several Tribe
    d) Many Women
  4. Which trees was also worshiped by Harappan?
    a) Jamun
    b) Bokal
    c) Pepal
    d) Palm
  5. With which country Foreign Trade was conducted?
    a) Mesopotamia
    b) Baharin
    c) Both of them
    d) None of these

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Some More Indus Valley Civilization mcq for Competitive Exams

Here we have provided more Indus Valley Civilization MCQ pdf and showed the answers of it. You should keep mcq of Indus Valley civilization in mind always.

  1. Which one of the following sites bears the sign of oldest settelments of human beings?
    a) Harappa
    b) Mohenjedaro
    c) Surkatoda
    d) Mehergarh
  2. Which one of the following sites was excavated first after independence?
    a) Kot Diji
    b) Lothal
    c) Chanhudaro
    d) Banwali
  3. Silver was first used by —
    a) Rig Vedic People
    b)Later Vedic People
    c) Harappan People
    d) Sumerian People
  4. Naya’ was founded by —
    a) Prajapati
    b) Kanad
    c) Goutam
    d) Vyas
  5. The status of women in Later vedic Age in comparison to Early Vedic Age —
    a) Remained same
    b) Declined
    c) Moved Upwards
    d) Can not be determind

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