How did Leela try to make Sidda write? What was the result?

Class XI ‘Leela’s Friend’, written by R. K. Narayan is a superb story. Many questions often come in exam from the story. We try to provide the question from the chapter and also the answers of it. One the Question is that How did Leela try to make Sidda write? What was the result? We give the best answer of those questions. Please follow the page below. You will also find many other questions from it.

How did Leela try to make Sidda write

How did Leela try to make Sidda write? What was the result?

Leela and Sidda are the two main characters of R.K Narayan’s short story ‘ Leela’s Friend ‘ . Everyday at dust Leela held a mock class for Sidda. She had a box filled with catalogues, illustrated books and stump of pencils. She made him squat on the floor with a pencil between his fingers and catalogue in front of him. She asked him to copy whatever she wrote in the pages of her catalogue. Sidda had to follow whatever she interested. But Sidda could never even remotely copy. She examined Sidda’s effort and scolded him for failing to copy. Pitying his condition she redoubled her efforts to teach him. Leela fixed him there constantly. In this way she performed the roll of a teacher and tried to make him write.

The result of this teaching was that Sidda felt the difficulty of being learned alphabets and he knew very well that Leela was not the type of giving the consideration. He sought a relief by saying that her mother had been calling her for dinner. The young teacher would drop the pencil and immediately run out of the room.

Other Suggestive Questions from ‘Leela’s Friend’

Justify the Title of the Story ‘Leela’s Friend’.
“In any case, we could not have kept a criminal like him in the house.” – Who is the speaker? Who is the criminal referred to here? What led the speaker to such a comment? What message is conveyed by Mr. sivasankar’s final word in the story?
“Sidda come and play” – who is the speaker? What would Sidda do when he heard the call? What kind of games did the speaker play?
What is the moral of the story ?
All Short Questions and Answers with MCQ

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2 thoughts on “How did Leela try to make Sidda write? What was the result?”

  1. Pingback: "Sidda come and play" - who is the speaker? What would Sidda do when he heard the call? What kind of games did the speaker play? -

  2. Pingback: "In any case, we could not have kept a criminal like him in the house" - Who is the speaker? Who is the criminal referred to here? What led the speaker to such a comment? What message is conveyed by Mr. Sivasankar's final word in the story?

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