High Price of Essential Commodities Paragraph Writing Standard Quality

Paragraph writing of High Price of Essential Commodities is much important topic for the students all over India. For Secondary, Class Xi and Higher Secondary this writing is very much valuable. It has the great probability to come in exam. Here we have produced High Price of Essential Commodities Paragraph Writing for the sake of the students. Quality of this writing is standard but it is easy to remember it. You can convert this writing into report writing. Let’s see –

high price of essential commodities paragraph writing

High Price of Essential Commodities Paragraph Writing

Nowadays, the prices of essential commodities are increasing by leaps and bounds. Although this is a global process, it has detrimental effects on poor country like India. Price rise is good if it is proportional to the increase in people’s income. But Unbridled inflation hurts the society badly. Price rise can be due to several reasons. If the imports are less than the demand of the people, the price of that thing increases. When the government increases the tax on goods, the price increases. If the production cost of a thing is higher than before, then its value is high. In our society there are some intermediaries who take advantage of the opportunity to stockpile essential goods. At present, due to the 2-year lock-down, there is a deficit in the government’s treasury. Then the government has compelled to impose high rates of taxes on daily necessities to recover the deficit. That’s why the prices of rice, pulses, oil, petrol, diesel, cooking gas are increasing by leaps and bounds. Price rise is also accompanied by GST. We have to pay GST to the Government at flat rate for everything we have used morning to night. If the price increase is to be stopped, the administration should be active. GST and other taxes have to be reduced. Subsidy on electric bill, cooking gas, petrol diesel should be increased. Black-marketing should be stopped. Unscrupulous traders should be punished. Enact rules in the Legislative Assembly regarding the control of population growth should be enforced immediately. Adequate measures should be taken to prevent inflation. We hope that if the government takes proper measures, every Indian will be able to eat his fill twice a day.

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So, friends this is the paragraph writing of High Price of Essential Commodities. Hope it is helpful to you. We also provides various writings. So, follow our site regularly. Thank you visit again.

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