Duties and Responsibilities of a Student Paragraph on 50/100/120/150 words & Essay on 500 words

Write a paragraph or essay on Duties and responsibilities of a student within 100/120/150/250/500 words. This is most popular writing ever comes in exam. So we have tried to produced this writing softly but carefully in standard mode. You can use this note for any classes like class 8, class 9, class 10, class 11, class 12 etc. This writing often comes in Madhyamik and Higher Secondary examination. We have made it briefly because you may use it for essay type questions. Here you can find 10 duties of a student and if you like to list up it you can.

duties and responsibilities of a student Paragraph

Duties and responsibilities of a student Paragraph on 100-150 words

Here we have produced this writing for below classes like class 8 to 12. So note down it in your notebook for future reference. Let’s watch –

Duties and Responsibilities of A Student

Student life is a very important part of life. It is the time when they learn values ​​and also learn to struggle for existence. If studies is the first priority of a student, duties and responsibilities in society are equally important. Students should become social and they have to play a leading role in social activities. Their activities may be spreading education among the masses and explaining the importance of education, making efforts to remove poverty and superstition, promoting women’s education, abolition of child marriage, etc. Also they should explain various government schemes to the villagers in their spare time. Also spending time with elders in the house, helping parents in work, being respectful to teachers etc. are also among their responsibilities. Finally it can be said, the character of a nation depends on the the moral character of its students.

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Essay on Duties of a Student on 150 to 250 words

Here we have extended Duties and responsibilities of a student paragraph to Essay. We include some speech of great person and also briefly describe it to convert it in essay type question. You can use it for any essay type question numbered from 15 to 20. Let’s watch –

Duties of a Student

Student life is a very important part of life. It is the time when they learn values ​​and also learn to struggle for existence. So, in the words of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan “The end-product of education should be a free creative man, who can battle against historical circumstances and adversities of nature.” This learning instills in them a sense of duty towards the society as well as the whole world. If studies is the first priority of a student, duties and responsibilities towards the teachers and parents are equally important. Students should become social and they have to play a leading role in social activities. Their activities may be spreading education among the masses and explaining the importance of education, making efforts to remove poverty and superstition, promoting women’s education, abolition of child marriage, etc. Also they should explain various government schemes to the villagers in their spare time. They may arrange a health awareness campaign. Also spending time with elders in the house, helping parents in work, being respectful to teachers etc. are also among their responsibilities. The future of the country depends on the new generation and their values. The character of a nation depends on the the moral character of its students.

Looking for Higher Secondary All Subjects’ Suggestions – CLICK HERE

Other Important Writings for Madhyamik & HS


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