Autumn by John Clare | বাংলায় অনুবাদ | Suggestive Questions & Answers pdf

The students of class 9 [West Bengal Board] have well known about the Lesson 3 poem Autumn by John Clare on their English book Bliss. The poem is best in meaning and showing natural environment. In this article we will discuss the Autumn poem class ix summary, class 9 English Autumn Bengali meaning, and Autumn class 9 questions and answers from the previous year question papers of some popular best known Govt. schools. Autumn class 9 exercise will also be provided for your excellence.

autumn by john clare

Autumn Poem by John Clare Class ix Summary

The poem Autumn is written by John Clare who was a poet of English Literature. He is best known for the description of the mellow beauty of the English Countryside and highlight the super natural power. Some of his notable collection of poetry are First Love, Snow Storm, The Village Minstrel and Other Poems etc.

The poem, Autumn by John Clare draws the extraordinary autumnal beauty of the countryside. The poet marks the season with falling leaves, bare branches and strong winds. The poet follows the whole day activity of the nature. The poet also describes movements of some creatures as their daily life in Autumn.

Class 9 English Autumn by John Clare Bengali Meaning

Here we provide the Bengali meaning of the poem Autumn by John Clare. Let’s follow the page —

– by John Clare

I love the fitful gust that shakes
The casement all day,
And from the mossy elm-tree takes
The faded leaves away,
Twirling them by the window pane
With thousand others down the lane.

আমি সেই দমকা হাওয়াকে ভালোবাসি যেটা নাড়াতে থাকে
জানালার পাল্লা গুলিকে সারাদিন ধরে,
এবং শ্যাওলা ধরা এলম গাছ থেকে ঝরিয়ে নিয়ে যায়
বিবর্ণ পাতাগুলিকে,
জানালার ফলকের সামনে ঘোরাতে থাকে
আরও হাজার হাজার সঙ্গে নিয়ে নীচে গলির দিকে নামতে থাকে।

I love to see the shaking twig
Dance till the shut of eve
The sparrow on the cottage rig,
Whose chirp would make believe
That spring was just now flirting by
In summer’s lap with flowers to lie.

আমি কাঁপানো ডালগুলিকে দেখতে ভালবাসি
যেটা সন্ধ্যা নামা পর্যন্ত নড়তে থাকে
কুটিরের চালে চড়ুই পাখিটি
যার কিচিরমিচির শব্দ বিশ্বাস জাগায়
বসন্ত এখন খুনসুটি করছে
গ্রীষ্মের কোলে, ফুলেদের সাথে শোবে বলে।

I love to see the cottage smoke
Curl upwards through the naked trees,
The pigeons nestled round the cote
On dull November days like these;
The cock upon the dung-hill crowing,
The mill sails on the heath a-going.

আমি কুটিরের ধোঁয়া দেখতে ভালোবাসি
যেটা কুন্ডুলী পাকিয়ে ওপরে উঠে যায় পাতাঝরা গাছেদের মধ্য দিয়ে
পায়রাগুলি তার বাসার মধ্যে গুটিসুটি মেরে বসে থাকে
এইরকম নভেম্বরের খারাপ দিনগুলিতে,
নোংরার স্তুপের উপর দাঁড়িয়ে মোরোগগুলি ডাকতে থাকে
কলকারখানা গুলি যেন ঘাসভুমীর উপর বয়তে থাকে।

The feather from the raven’s breast
Falls on the stubble lea,
The acorns near the old crow’s nest
Fall pattering down the tree;
The grunting pigs, that wait for all,
Scramble and hurry where they fall.

কাকের বক্ষে থাকা পালকগুলি
খচখচে জমির উপর পড়ে,
পুরানো কাকের বাসার কাছে থাকা ওক ফলগুলি
গাছ থেকে টুপ-টাপ করে পড়তে থাকে,
ঘোঁত ঘোঁত করা শূকরগুলি যারা এইসব কিছুর জন্য অপেক্ষা করে
যেখানে সেগুলি (ফলগুলি) পরে সেখানে হুড়োহুড়ি গুঁতো-গুঁতি করে।

Class 9 English Textbook ‘Bliss’ pdf Download

Word Notes

Some important words and their meaning from Autumn by John Clare —

fitful gust দমকা বাতাস  
casement জানালার পাল্লা  
mossy শ্যাওলা ধরা  
faded বিবর্ণ  
twirling বৃত্তাকারে ঘোরা  
window pane জানালার ফলক  
shaking twig কাঁপা কাঁপা ডাল  
cottage rig কুটিরের চাল  
chirp কিচিরমিচির  
flirting by খুনসুটি করা  
naked trees পাতাঝরা গাছ  
 cote  পাখির বাসা  
 dung-hill  গোবরের স্তুপ  
heath a-going  ভেসে চলা  
raven’s beast  কাকের বক্ষ  
stubble lea  শস্য কাটার পর অবশিষ্ঠাংশ  
acorns  ওক গাছের ফল  
pattering  টুপটাপ  
grunting pigs  ঘোঁতঘোঁত করা শূকর  
scramble and hurry হুড়োহুড়ি গুঁতো-গুঁতি  

Autumn by John Clare Class 9 MCQ Questions and Answers

In the below page we are about to discuss the questions and answers from class 9 English lesson 3 Autumn by John Clare —

1. The word ‘twirling’ means —
a) touring
b) twittering
c) spinning round
d) towering

2. The poet loves —
a) the storm
b) the wind
c) cyclone
d) rain

3. The poem ‘Autumn’ describes the beauty of —
a) a countryside
b) a city
c) a rural festival
d) the urban life

4. The casement is shaken by —
a) all the evening
b) all the morning
c) all day
d) all the night

5. The leaves of the elm-tree are —
a) colourful
b) vibrant
c) fresh
d) worn out

6. All through the day the fitful gust shakes the —
a) window pane
b) curtains
c) casement
d) door

7. In the poem ‘Autumn’ the poet refers to November days as —
a) dull
b) bright
c) colourful
d) dreamy

8. The birds that chirp on the cottage rig are —
a) the nightingales
b) the cuckoos
c) the sparrows
d) the swallows

9. ‘Heath’ in the poem refers to —
a) river
b) ocean
c) dry land
d) mountain top

10. The above poem describes the season of —
a) Winter
b) Summer
c) Autumn
d) Spring

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Autumn by John Clare Class 9 SAQ Questions and Answers [Mark-1]

Here you have found Short Answers Type Question Answer from Autumn by John Clare. Each question has carried one marks —

1. Who takes the faded leaves away?
Ans :- The fitful gust takes the faded leaves away.

2. What is fitful gust?
Ans :- Fitful gust means a strong current of air intermittently stopping and starting.

3. Where are the leaves twirled?
Ans :- The leaves are twirled beside the window pane.

4. How long does the twig dance?
Ans :- The twig dances till the shut of eve.

5. What does the poet understand from the chirping of the sparrow?
Ans :- From the chirping of the sparrow the poet understands that the spring was just now flirting by in Summer’s lap with flower to lie.

6. What is the chirping of the sparrow misleading?
Ans :- The chirping of the sparrow is misleading that in spite of being autumn the spring was just now flirting by in Summer’s lap with flower to lie.

Class 9 English Lesson 3 Autumn by John Clare Long Answer type Question [mark-2]

Here you have found Long Answers Type Question Answer from Autumn by John Clare. Each question has carried Two marks —

1. What does the poet love to watch?
Ans :- The poet loves to watch the fitful gust, wearing out of faded leaves, shaking twig, the sparrow on the cottage rig, cottage smoke, the pigeons, the cock upon the dung hill etc.

2. How does the gust affect casement and the mossy elm tree? / What does the fitful gust do to the casement and the faded leaves?
Ans :- The fitful gust shakes the casements all day and worn away the faded leaves from the mossy elm tree.

3. where do the pigeons nestle? Why do they do so?
Ans :- The pigeons nestle round the cote because of extreme cold weather in November.

4. Why are the trees naked?
Ans :- The trees are naked because on the dull November days the fitful gust worn away the faded leaves from the tree and also they are type of deciduous plant.

5. How does the poet know that the spring was flirting?
Ans :- The poet knows that the spring was flirting by hearing the chirping sound of the sparrow from the cottage rig.

6. What do the pigeons and cock do on dull November days?
Ans :- On dull November days the pigeons nestle round the cote and the cock is crowing upon the dung hill.

7. Which picture of the cottage smoke does the poet see in Autumn?
Ans :- In Autumn the cottage smoke curl upwards through the naked trees.

That’s the guys. Here you have found class 9 English lesson 3 autumn by John Clare, autumn class 9 questions and answers, class 9 English autumn Bengali meaning, autumn poem class ix summary and autumn class 9 exercise. Hope you will be benefited from this page. Thank you. Visit again.

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