500+ Indian Geography MCQ pdf with Answers for Competitive Exam

Various Indian Geography MCQ pdf is available here. Our Indian geography questions and answers for competitive exams pdf is absolutely free of cost. You can download Indian geography mcq for upsc only in one click. We have also arranged Indian geography quiz for competitive exams. There we provide more than 500 Indian geography objective questions. We suggest you to participate in our quiz competition to improve your general knowledge. These Indian geography gk questions are taken from various competitive exam’s Indian geography previous year questions. You cam get Indian geography general knowledge questions answers and have chances to give a Indian geography test.

indian geography mcq pdf

About Indian Geography

India, the seventh largest country in the world. After Russia, Canada China, U.S.A, Brazil and Australia. Covering an area of 32,87,263 square kilometers is an important country of South Asia. The mainland stretches from 8o4′ North to 37o6′ North latitude and 68o7′ to 97o25′ East longitude. The southernmost point, known as the India point in the great Nicobar Island is at 6o45′ North latitude. The country is of a vast size and measures about 3214 kilometers from North to South and about 2933 kilometers from West to East. India accounts for about 2% of the total land area of the world and 0.57% of the total area of the world.

India is nearly twenty times as large as great Britain. Her land frontier is 15,200 kms and coast line is 7516.6 km including Andaman Nicobar and Lakshadweep.

Borders of the Indian Geography

India is bounded in the North and North-west by Himalayan Mountains. It has common border with Afghanistan and Pakistan in the North – West China, Bhutan and Nepal in the North. Myanmar in the East and Bangladesh to the East of West Bengal. India shares longest border with Bangladesh (4096km) and Shortest border with Afghanistan (80km).

In the south it is bounded by Indian Ocean while in the South West by Arabian Sea and in the South East by Bay of Bengal. Srilanka is separated from India by the Palk-strait, Palkbay, Adams bridge Sumatra island of Indonesia is close to Nicobar Islands and gulf of Munnar. Maldweep island are situated in the South of Lakshadweep.

From where is the name ‘India’ taken?

The word India has its origin in the Greek Literature which means the land of ‘Indos’ (in latin Indus)

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Geographical Division of India

India is divided into five Physiographic divisions, Namely —

  1. The Himalayan Mountains
  2. Plains of Ganga Indus and Brahmaputra
  3. The peninsular plateau
  4. The coastal plains
  5. The Islands

Indian Geography MCQ

Some important Questions on Indian Geography MCQ pdf will also be available below. Indian geography questions and answers for competitive exams —

  1. India has —% of the total surface area of the earth.
    a) 2.4    b) 2    c) 0.24    d) 0.57
  2. India has —% population of the earth.
    a) 24    b) 17.5    c) 1.67    d) None of these
  3. Which of the following countries is not a part of India sub-continent?
    a) Srilanka    b) Nepal    c) Bhutan   d) Mayanmar
  4. From Geological point of view India can be divided into?
    a) One single unit    b) two units    c) three units    d) four units
  5. The peninsular part of India was a part of — region 600 million years ago.
    a) Angara Land    b) Eurasian Land    c) Gondwana Land    d) Asia
  6. Mount Everest is predominately composed of
    a) Sand Stones    b) Alluvium    c) Marble Stones    d) Lime stone
  7. Gondwana series is very rich in which of the following minerals?
    a) Coal    b) Urenium    c) Mica    d) Gold
  8. Pygmalion Point is known as —
    a) Southern most point of India
    b) Northern most point of India
    c) Deepest point of India
    d) None of these

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Indian Geography mcq for upsc

Indian geography gk questions mcq mode is highly valuable for UPSC and other competitive exam. Here you have got the chance to download Indian Geography MCQ pdf. Below Indian Geography MCQ have been gathered from Indian geography previous year questions —

  1. Which of the following states does not touch Nepal Border?
    a) West Bengal    b) Uttor Pradesh    c) Punjab    d) Bihar
  2. Geological which one is the oldest part of India?
    a) Aravalli    b) Satpura    c) Gangetic Plain    d) Southern Peninsula
  3. The great Himalayas came into existence in —
    a) Eocene age    b) Lower Mayocene    c) Triassie age    d) Jurassic age
  4. From Seismic point which region is most stable :
    a) Gangetic Plain    b) The Himalayas    c) Decan    d) North-East
  5. Which Pass connects Kashmir Valley and Punjab Plain?
    a) Zoji-La    b) Sipki-La    c) Nathu-La    d) Pirpanjal
  6. Ladakh range is situated between —
    a) Karakoram & Zaskar
    b) Zaskar & Siwalik
    c) Pirpanjal & Dhulagiri
    d) None of these
  7. The elevation of Ladakh plateau is about —
    a) 2000 m above sea level
    b) 5000 m above sea level
    c) 2500 m above sea level
    d) 600 – 1000 m above sea level

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Indian Geography Objective Questions (MCQ)

Basically Indian Geography is a common topic for central exam. We have learned so many about Indian geography general knowledge questions answers. We try to provide most suspect Indian Geography MCQ pdf for your success in exam. Here you are —

  1. Dune are —
    a) Longitudinal depressions    b) Syntaxial plain    c) Food plain    d) Valleys
  2. Dunes are found mainly in the —
    a) Punjab Himalayas    b) Darjeeling Himalayas    c) Nepal Himalayas    d) Garwal-Kumayoon Himalayas
  3. The largest glacier outside the polar region is :
    a) Zemu    b) Gangotri    c) Siachen    d) Jamunetri
  4. Kangra Valley is located in the state:
    a) Utterakhand    b) Himachal Pradesh    c) Kashmir    d) Assam
  5. Trns Himalayas means —
    a) Himadri    b) Ladakh Range    c) Kara Koram    d) Pamir
  6. Reh or Kallar is found in —
    a) U. P & Haryana     b) Punjab    c) Bihar & U P    d) Chattishgarh
  7. Benaras / Varanasi is located in —
    a) Ganga-Jamuna Doyab
    b) Upper Ganga Plain
    c) Middle Ganga Plain
    d) Lower Ganga Plain

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Indian Geography GK Questions

Read more Indian Geography MCQ pdf to enlarge your knowledge. More you read Indian geography questions and answers for competitive exams more you learn. So we try to provide more and more —

  1. Which river is considered to be the present day successor to the vedic river Saraswati?
    a) Ganga     b) Chambal    c) Sindhu    d) Jamuna
  2. Banas river lies in —
    a) Satpura    b) Ajanta    c) Nilgiri    d) Aravalli
  3. Which mountain acts as watershed between the Ganga Plain & Southern India?
    a) Javadi    b) Vindhyas    c) Amarkantak    d) Nilgiri
  4. The Nallamali range is in the state—
    a) Andhra Pradesh    b) Tamil Nadu    c) Kerala    d) Karnataka
  5. Which river divides the Chotonagpur Plateau into two parts?
    a) Son    b) Subarnarekha    c) Mahanadi    d) Damodar
  6. Chambal river is a tributary of —
    a) Ganga    b) Jamuna    c) Narmada    d) Tapti
  7. River Periyar flows through —
     a) Kerala    b) Karnataka    c) Tamilnadu    d) Goa
  8. Nasik is situated on the bank of —
    a) Narmada    b) Tapti    c) Krishna    d) Godavari

To Know More

Here we try to provide most important Indian Geography MCQ pdf which may come in exam often. But here are only few. To get more Indian geography objective questions please subscribe our channel (Edueffort.in) or directly search our site. To get Indian Geography MCQ pdf you are requested to comment below. We will contact with you. We find the write answers of the Indian geography gk questions but if you think any answer is incorrect please comment below. We try to get more attention about your answer and reply you shortly.

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